Course description:
This 2-credit course, taught at the University of Idaho, will cover core concepts in population analysis for wildlife biology, although it is by no means comprehensive. The course is structured around hands-on coding exercises that will allow students to grow a basic toolbox of population analytical techniques, as well as the skills to code such analyses rather than simply execute other people's pre-written R code. It will build on foundation courses in population biology, which all students should have completed, as well as basic statistical concepts. We will cover analyses related to modeling vital rates, population growth, abundance, and density.
Again, this course is NOT comprehensive- there are so many analyses these days across population biology, and we will only be covering a handful. However, major types of analyses for different kinds of data will be covered during lecture, and an important version of that type of analysis then assigned as a coding exercise for that week.
Useful websites and online texts:
A very approachable primer of population parameter estimation:
Michael Conroy's course website:
Jay Rotella's course website:
MARK program help book, includes info on analysis:
Good intro to R for wildlife students by USGS:
A good place to look for upcoming workshops:
And many more...
Recommended texts:
Skalski, John R., Kristin E. Ryding, and Joshua Millspaugh. Wildlife demography: analysis of sex, age, and count data. 2005.
Williams, Byron K., James D. Nichols, and Michael J. Conroy. Analysis and management of animal populations. 2002.
Doak, Dan, and Bill Morris. Quantitative conservation biology. 2002.
There are a huge number of books on specialty topics, from matrix models to survival, occupancy, capture-recapture, and integrated population models, and I encourage you to find and purchase those that are most beneficial to your research and learning.
Schedule (2019):
Week 1: August 27th: Introduction to population analysis
Readings and resources:
Chapter 1 of Skalski et al. Book (for this weeks’ coding challenge)
To Do if needed for next week: Install program Mark, and package RMark
Marked package/user manual (for next week’s exercise, feel free to peruse early)
Marked package Vignette (for next week’s exercise, feel free to peruse early)
Week 2: September 3: Survival analysis: CJS and MLE
Week 3: September 10: Survival analysis: known fates
Readings/resources: see the text of the coding challenge.
Week 4: September 17: More survival bootstrapping
Week 5: September 24: Estimating population growth, Leslie matrices
More resources: see the Popbio methods paper (Stubben et al. 2007)
Week 6: October 1st: No class, Sophie at TWS annual meeting
Optional: Matrices part II, for those interested
Week 7: October 8: Intro to spatial capture-recapture (SCR)
Week 8: October 15: SCR guest lecture with Clayton Lamb
Week 9: October 22: No class, Sophie at conference. Complete week 8 assignment, and SCR reading (TBD)
Week 10: October 29: Occupancy Analysis
Bayesian reading 1 (optional: 3 chapters of a book, browse/skim to match your interest level)
Bayesian reading 2 (2 chapters from another GREAT book, please read chapter 2 BEFORE CLASS)
Code, etc., from the 2nd book available here
Week 11: November 5: Intro to Bayesian methods. Install JAGS on your computer BEFORE CLASS.
Week 12: November 12: No class, Sophie in the field. Complete Bayesian readings
Reading: Schmidt et al. 2015 (PLEASE COMPLETE BEFORE CLASS)
Week 13: November 19: Integration of analytical techniques, IPMs (guest lecture Jon Horne, IDF&G)
Jon's recommended readings:
Jon's lecture slides PDF
Week 14: November 26: No class, fall break
Reading 1: Linden et al. 2017
Reading 2: McDonald et al. 2016
Reading 3: Hoving et al. 2013
Another really cool one we won't have time to read but I recommend
Week 15: Dec. 3: Paper discussion and course feedback form/discussion.
Week 16: Dec 7: No class
Week 16: Dec 14: No class, finals week
Optional materials: Distance Sampling
Grades are pass/fail, and will be based on weekly participation, including coding exercises and code-sharing from previous coding exercises. Given different experience levels, a truly honest effort given your skill level is what I’m looking for (10 pts per weekly meeting). Please let me know if you will be absent for fieldwork, conference travel, etc., and I will not count that week’s participation against you.